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vendredi 14 janvier 2022

L'invention de la semaine

La particularité de la demande US2004020103 est qu'elle est rédigée en vers.

An animal trap we do provide, 
Which has an enclosure, and in which inside, 
A pivoting member is pivotally put, 
Which pivots down under an animal's foot. 
This pivoting member's long name is a bother, 
It's "Confinement Activating Teeter-totter." 
We call it the "CAT" for short; on it we've fashioned, 
A front wall which by the trap entrance is stationed, 
To block it whenever the CAT front is down, 
Which forces an animal then to go on, 

On notera que l'Examinateur n'a pas vraiment apprécié le mode de rédaction.

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