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vendredi 25 février 2011

L'invention de la semaine



Revendications :

1. A medicament of truth, comprising but not limited to reality and intrinsic value, in bringing about equilibrium in the global financial system benefiting the persons within.

2. The expression of medicaments of claim 1, which further comprises but not limited to technical and behavioural.

3. An embodiment of the technical expression of claim 2, comprising any one or more but not limited to i) boom-bust cycle and significance of moment of truth; ii) absolute competition as a measure of success; iii) regulation Of merger and acquisition activities; iv) implications Of LTCM On financial crisis; v) implications of government deficits; vi) need for stable exchange rate.

4. An embodiment of the behavioural expression of claim 2, comprising any one or more but not limited to intangible attributes including good to parents, brotherhood, loyalty, humanity, righteousness, non-wasteful, self-respect, courtesy, upright, creditworthy.

5. The persons of claim 1, which further comprises but not limited to i) international public organizations including International Monetary Fund, World Bank and World Trade organization ; ii) governments ; iii) financial institutions; iv) companies; v) individuals. [Remarquez ici l'approche subtile pour breveter à la fois les individus, les sociétés et les gouvernements, sans oublier l'OMC ou le FMI]

6. The equilibrium of claim 1, which further comprises but not limited to the prevention of building up of excesses, deflating formed excesses and development of components.

7. A process for preparation of the medicament of claim 1.

8. A method of application of the medicament of claim 1. [Est-ce une méthode thérapeutique ?]

9. An embodiment of the application of claim 8, which further comprises but not limited to the getting the persons involved to agreed to restrictions or changes in deflation of formed significant excesses.

A remarquer sur le plan procédural : le Bureau International a restauré le droit de priorité (la demande, déposée le 16 juillet 2008, revendique la priorité d'une demande provisoire US déposée le 1er juillet 2007).

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