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vendredi 13 juin 2014

L'invention de la semaine

Cette casquette permet de préparer et déguster divers cocktails.
Brevet US4681244

La revendication 1 est remarquable par sa concision:
1. A portable bar comprising a hat adapted to receive a plurality of drink containers and a plurality of valves detachably mounted thereon; a first drink container coupled to the hat by suitable attachment means and having provided thereon a cap adapted for closing the said container, the said container being adapted to receive a tube inserted therein; a second drink container coupled to the hat by suitable attachment means and having provided thereon a cap adapted for closing the said container, the said container being adapted to receive a tube inserted therein; a third drink container coupled to the hat by suitable attachment means and having provided thereon a cap adapted for closing the said container, the said cap being adapted to receive a tube inserted therethrough; a fourth drink container coupled to the hat by suitable attachment means and having provided thereon a cap adapted for closing the said container, the said cap being adapted to receive a tube inserted therethrough; a fifth drink container coupled to the hat by suitable attachment means and having provided thereon a cap adapted for closing the said container, the said cap being adapted to receive a tube inserted therethrough; a sixth drink container coupled to the hat by suitable attachment means and having provided thereon a cap adapted for closing the said container, the said cap being adapted to receive a tube inserted therethrough; a first gang valve coupled to the hat by suitable attachment means, the said gang valve having a first mixing chamber, the said first mixing chamber having extending therefrom a first port, a second port, a third port, and a fourth port wherein the first port is provided with a first valve adapted to be controlled by a knob and the said second port is provided with a second valve adapted to be controlled by a knob and the said third port is provided with a third valve adapted to be controlled by a knob, and wherein each of the said ports communicates with the said first mixing chamber and is adapted to convey a drink into or out of the said first mixing chamber and wherein the said first, third and fourth ports is each adapted to receive a tube detachably coupled thereto, and wherein the said second port is adapted to vent the said first mixing chamber to the atmosphere; a second gang valve coupled to the hat by suitable attachment means, the said gang valve having a second mixing chamber, the said second mixing chamber having extending therefrom a fifth port, a sixth port, a seventh port, an eighth port, a ninth port and a tenth port wherein the said fifth port is provided with a fourth valve adapted to be controlled by a knob and the said sixth port is provided with a fifth valve adapted to be controlled by a knob and the said seventh port is provided with a sixth valve adapted to be controlled by a knob and the said eighth port is provided with a seventh valve adapted to be controlled by a knob and the said ninth port is provided with an eighth valve adapted to be controlled by a knob, and wherein each of the said ports communicates with the said second mixing chamber and is adapted to convey a drink into or out of the said second mixing chamber and wherein each of the said ports is adapted to receive a tube detachably coupled thereto; a first tube having two ends wherein the first end is inserted into the first drink container and wherein the second end is coupled to the first port; a second tube having two ends wherein the first end is inserted into the fourth drink container and wherein the second end is coupled to the third port; a third tube having two ends wherein the first end is coupled to the fourth port and wherein the second end of the third tube is coupled to the fifth port; a fourth tube having two ends wherein the first end is inserted into the third drink container and wherein the second end is coupled to the sixth port, the said tube being provided with a check valve inserted therein adapted to prevent drink from flowing into the third drink container; a fifth tube having two ends wherein the first end is inserted into the fourth drink container and wherein the second end of the fifth tube is coupled to the seventh port, the said tube being provided with a check valve inserted therein adapted to prevent drink from flowing into the fourth drink container; a sixth tube having two ends wherein the first end is inserted into the fifth drink container and wherein the second end of the sixth tube is coupled to the eighth port, the said tube being provided with a check valve inserted therein adapted to prevent drink from flowing into the fifth drink container; a seventh tube having two ends wherein the first end is inserted into the sixth drink container and wherein the second end of the seventh tube is coupled to the ninth port, the said tube being provided with a check valve inserted therein adapted to prevent drink from flowing into the sixth drink container; an eighth tube having two ends wherein the first end is coupled to the tenth port and wherein the said tube is routed to the front of the hat and is adapted to be supported by an articulated boom; and a bracket attached to and depending from the hat and having pivotally coupled thereto an articulated boom adapted to support the said eighth tube.

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