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samedi 8 novembre 2008

L'invention de la semaine

Détectée par Dennis Crouch, l'invention de la semaine est décrite une demande de la société Halliburton.

La revendication 1 est la suivante : "A method for a non-inventor first party to acquire and assert a patent property against a second party, the method including the first party performing the following acts: obtaining an equity interest in the patent property; writing a claim within the scope of the patent property, the claim being written to cover a product of the second party, where the product includes a secret aspect, the secret aspect including an unobservable aspect, where writing the claim includes performing research using a computer to convert the unobservable aspect to an observable aspect; filing the claim with a patent office; offering a license of the patent property to the second party after the patent property issues as a patent with the claim; and attempting to obtain a monetary settlement from the second party based on the assertion of infringement of the claim."

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Dommage que les 'business methods' n'aient pas été brevetables depuis longtemps, car on aurait pu avoir des dépôts signés 'Al Capone'.

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