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vendredi 9 juin 2017

L'invention de la semaine

Pour un enfant, rien de tel qu'un environnement rassurant pour faire une bonne sieste.

1. A hollow, three-dimensional, free-standing animal-shaped structure for providing a place for a child to take a nap, said structure being of such a size as to allow a child to fit at least partially inside, said structure having features of a real animal, said structure being made of padded fabric, and said structure having an entrance for the child, said entrance having a swinging door, and said entrance being of such a size as to allow the child to crawl into the structure without changing the size of the entrance.

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Mandataire en colère a dit…

Et l'inventeur est Hérode?

Anonyme a dit…

C'est une histoire à dormir... couché.

De plus:
" for providing a place for a child to take a nap", " said entrance being of such a size as to allow the child to crawl into the structure without changing the size of the entrance"
et il y en a qui disent que la rédaction fonctionnelle n'est pas admise aux US. Il me semble pourtant que c'est délivré.

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