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vendredi 15 février 2013

L'invention de la semaine

La demande US2006259306 revendique divers objets:

1. The process of protecting a novel joke which comprises filing a patent application defining the novel features of the joke.

8. A joke protected by a process claimed in any of claims 1-7.

9. A patent application or patent claiming a joke as claimed in claim 8.

10. A joke relating to the unexpected but partial skill of animals (preferably large mammals or birds) in sports involving spheroidal projectiles, characterised in that the punch-line employs alliteration.

12. In a locus in which the behaviour of the public is subject to a promulgated rule intended to be conditional, the joke which comprises misinterpreting the rule as absolute, and providing means for enabling the public to conform to the rule so misinterpreted.

17. The joke which comprises the filing of a patent application to protect the method of protecting jokes by filing one or more patent applications thereon.

18. The process of reciting a joke claimed in any of claims 8 and 10-17.

19. The process of rehearsing a joke claimed in any of claims 8 and 12-17.

23. A homoproprietary patent application or patent.
(NDLR: cette revendication couvre toute demande de brevet qui se revendique elle-même)

24. An application claiming priority from a patent application claimed in claim 23, or a patent granted on such an application

25. A kit of parts for carrying out the joke claimed in any of claims 12-16.


Point intéressant: l'inventeur semble être le président du CIPA, équivalent anglais de la CNCPI.
Voir aussi cet échange où l'inventeur précise ses conditions d'octroi de licence

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Roufousse T. Fairfly a dit…

L'examinateur a laissé transparaître ses sentiments au sujet de la demande dans sa recherche datée du 13.5.2008...

(joke or story or (humorous near5 story) or (humorous
near5 anecdote) or rubbish) and 705! 50-79.cds.

Anonyme a dit…

le déposant aurait pu ajouter une revendication "Joke characterized in that it kills the person who hears it".

Toutefois, cette revendication ne serait pas nouvelle. Déjà inventée par les Monthy Pythons:


Anonyme a dit…

la "négociation" de la licence est particulièrement intéressante ....
Mais au fait, can we joke or not ? ....

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