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vendredi 15 juillet 2016

L'invention de la semaine

Les vacances approchent, il va falloir trouver à s'occuper! Le brevet US4998724 propose une occupation qui vous procurera une saine détente moyennant une activité physique modérée.

1. Apparatus for playing a game of thumb wrestling, said apparatus comprising:
(a) a stabilizing handle providing means for gripping said stabilizing handle between interlocking hands of opponents engaged in a game of thumb wrestling;
(b) said stabilizing handle providing means for employing pressure generated by interlocking hands of opponents to stabilize and anchor said stabilizing handle between players' hands;
(c) a game ring surface and means for joining the underside of said game ring surface to said stabilizing handle, wherein said game ring surface is stabilized and anchored upon stabilizing handle throughout competition;
(d) said game ring surface including a plurality of thumb holes for receiving the thumbs of opponents upwardly, wherein remaining fingers of opponents' interlocked hands grip said stabilizing handle below said game ring surface;
(e) said game ring surface including a solid wrestling region between said thumb holes providing resistance means for trapping a thumb of one opponent beneath the thumb of another opponent, wherein said resistance means provides for the accurate representation of the action of a pin in wrestling.

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