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mercredi 5 mars 2025

Offre d'emploi


Glazing Technologies BU Industrial Property manager

Why do we need you ?

Within the Flat Glass R&D Central Team, the IP department is looking for an Industrial Property (IP) Business (BU) Manager to support the Sekurit activities in defining, implementing and enforcing a dedicated IP strategy, permanently aligned with the Business’ strategy and allowing to collect revenues for the Sekurit R&D Pool CCA.

As IP BU Manager, you're missions will be to :

  • Manage the Business’ patents portfolios (several hundreds of patent families and related cases) in line with the Business’ strategy, supervise the regular re-assessments of their value and continuously look for the valuation of your portfolio.
  • Manage and follow the cost evolution of the patent portfolio, optimize and control the costs.
  • Make the Business aware of its patents portfolio and help them to monitor the competitors and/or customers’ IP practices
  • Establish the Freedom to Operate studies assessing the IP risks prior to commercialize a new product or process, an extension to a new country or other cases.
  • Coordinate defense or circumvent action to by-pass third party IP rights.
  • Coordinate enforcement action in case of alleged infringements with the relevant patent and legal attorneys and the Licensing manager.
  • Participate to the negotiations of the licensing-out agreement conditions and manage the needed confidentiality, competition law and anti-trust compliance,
  • Implement the licensing-out agreements related to his/her portfolio (internal and external) and help the Business for the eventual licensing-in agreements.
  • Negotiate and implement (IP part) the technical co-development agreements together with the demanding party and the Business’ technical and legal representatives.
  • Supervise the patent watches handled by the R&D engineers in charge of the R&D studies related to the patent portfolio.
  • Provide IP awareness sessions to the Business’ functions and employees, the R&D centers, …
  • Participate in the improvement of the Glazing Technologies IP team’s processes (“transversal subjects”).

Is this job for you ?

For this position, we are looking for someone with

  • Education:
    • Scientific or technical educational background – typically engineer – no specific technical domain
    • IP background preferably
  • Knowledge/technical competences:
    • Minimum 5 years of experience within the industry, preferably in R&D, eventually as a patent attorney in a R&D center IP team.
    • Perfectly fluent in English (speaking, reading, writing); German is a plus.
    • Shall enjoy reading patents and participating to the writing of documents (contracts).
    • At ease with digital tools.
  • Soft skills and abilities:
    • Open-minded with a strong team spirit – shall become a true accomplice with the other BU IP managers of the same Business, work in close collaboration with the Sekurit R&D director, the Glazing Technologies IP director, patent director, licensing and finance managers, the legal, purchase departments and the patent attorneys located in the R&D centers IP teams.
    • Enjoy multiple contacts, building relationships and networking, internally and externally.
    • Highly developed soft skills: able to work in a multicultural environment, internal and external, with different functions; able to listen and study his/her environment before acting, able to be agile and to propose tailor made solution.
    • Negotiation skills: emotional intelligence, persuasion, patience, perseverance, focus on the objective of reaching a win-win agreement, able to decide of a strategy and to continuously challenge it.
    • Autonomous, highly reliable and curious.
    • Good communication skills.


A little more about us

Saint-Gobain, the world leader in habitat, designs, produces and distributes building materials by providing innovative solutions to the growing markets of emerging countries, energy efficiency and environment solutions. Saint-Gobain is a welcoming house, safe and open to the world, which you enter for a journey.

The main mission of the Technology and Industrial Performance Department is to ensure an interactive support to all the countries and businesses of the Group: industrial roadmaps (standards, benchmarks, performance, energy, CO2, savings, …), R&D programs for the construction businesses strategic investments and strategic purchasing, capacity allocation among countries and operational excellence programs (World Class Manufacturing, World Class Supply Chain, 4.0, digital applications for the manufacturing, …).

To make sure nothing is forgotten

Dimension of the position is multifunctional: intimacy with the Business functions (managers of R&D, marketing, sales, legal…), top management (BU CEO) and the local managers (country CEO, marketing, sales…), International and multi-cultural.

Saint-Gobain encourage la diversité des équipes et favorise notamment l’inclusion des personnes en situation de handicap.

Pour postuler : https://joinus.saint-gobain.com/fr/fra/red/p/65973/248697/glazing-technologies-bu-industrial-property-manager

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